Freedom for the Saudi poet Hamza Kashgari

Freedom for the Saudi poet Hamza Kashgari

Rome / London, February 13th, 2012. We have sent appeals for his release to the Malaysian authorities, the United Nations and the European Parliament.

The support of the British human rights activist, Maryam Namazie, has given strength to the campaign, and she is joined by the writer and poet Salman Rushdie. This morning, however, the Kuala Lumpur authorities deported the young poet on a private flight back to Saudi Arabia, where hatred and violence unleashed in the name of a faith will judge this talented young man as an “enemy of God”. We must raise our voices and appeal for Hamza’s freedom, even if his deportation back to a country that ignores human rights has unfortunately already taken place.

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Picture: Hamza Kashgari

Freedom for the Saudi poet Hamza Kashgariultima modifica: 2012-02-14T23:51:00+01:00da
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