promuovere l’informazione in Sudan


Dear friend,

There has been a lot of news coming out of Sudan in recent years. From extreme violence to voter registration for the upcoming Southern Sudan referendum, the news is constant and varied. And where we live, we hear about it. But there are people within Sudan who don’t know what’s going on in their own country.

Help residents of rural Sudan stay informed. Join International Relief and Development’s (IRD) program to bring them radios. »

IRD is doing something seemingly simple that could make an enormous difference. They are bringing radios to rural villages so residents can stay informed about the government policies and peace talks. These wind-up or solar-powered radios will bring much-needed information and power to communities so they don’t have to rely on rumors any longer.

Voter registration so far is dismal due to fear and lack of information. But IRD wants to help change that, and help all Sudanese participate in the historic process for peace that has already begun.

Please show your support for this unique and critical program by signing this action today.

Thank you for taking action!

Emily L.
Care2 Campaign Team

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promuovere l’informazione in Sudanultima modifica: 2010-12-03T09:26:12+01:00da
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