rispetto dei diritti: scrivi alla Fifa

– InfoLavoro – Il resto del mondo – Comincio IO Web –

Traduzione “riassunto”:

– il lavoro minorile è ancora presente in Pakistan

– le donne sono discriminate sia nel salario sia perchè rischiano di perdere il lavoro se rimangono incinte

– gli straordinari sono “abituali” (in una fabbrica cinese, 21 ore ogni giorno per un mese di fila)

– al lavoro vi sono anche difficoltà “logistiche” (mancanza di acqua potabile, di bagni, di infermerie – come in una fabbrica indiana)

Per questo si chiede alla FIFA di garantire che chi cuce i palloni “marchiati” in occasione del prossimo Mondiale, veda rispettati i propri diritti.

Per firmare:


Qui sotto il testo originale dell’appello in lingua inglese



Problems highlighted in the report are:

  • child labour still exists in the Pakistani industry especially within home-based work.
  • gender discrimination of female home-based workers, being paid the least and facing the constant thread of losing their jobs due to pregnancy;
  • overtime working hours as in one Chinese factory, where workers were found to work up to 21 hours a day every day for an entire month;
  • the lack of proper drinking water or medical care facilities, and even toilets, as found in Indian stitching centres.

About 75% of the over 200 workers interviewed in Pakistan were not permanent workers and therefore didn’t have access to benefits and social security.

Over the past decade, regular reports of violations of human rights in soccer ball production have been presented to key players in the industry including global brands and FIFA.

The CCC is shocked that after all of these years, low wages and other labour rights violations are still the norm and not the exception in the industry. Please remind FIFA that they are responsible for their sport, and that as fans worldwide get excited about the games, the public expects the soccer ball industry to finally live up to its promises.

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rispetto dei diritti: scrivi alla Fifaultima modifica: 2010-06-24T23:53:54+02:00da paoloteruzzi
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